2025 Bond Authorization Report

Travis County WCID – Point Venture Board of Directors voted to include a bond of $13,600,000 for voter approval on the May 2025 election ballot. Trihydro, the District’s engineers, presented the Board with a Bond Authorization Report at special meeting which stated, “Due to the continued development and growth within the Village, The District’s aging infrastructure, and existing system deficiencies, the District is proactively planning for the expected future costs of improving, rehabilitating, and maintaining its water, sewer, reclaimed water, and drainage systems and facilities to provide continued service to its customers. The bond is needed to complete multiple capital improvement in the District… The total bond authorization needs of the District for the next eight years is estimated to be $13,600,000.” Click here for the full report. Additional information, also on the website is the Water Master Plan under Documents & Records.

The Board's financial advisor has indicated the bond can be paid for with existing property tax, so no new property tax is expected. However, the voters are required to authorize the bond. In fact, there are discussions about reducing property taxes if the bond is approved.

Most urgent improvement is replacement of the 50-year-old standpipe (Augusta Standpipe) located near the District’s main office at Venture Drive and Augusta Drive. The structure has had multiple repairs for leaks over the last several years and is well past its useful life expectancy. Additional improvements that the bond money would include are rehabilitating a transfer pump station and elevated water storage tank, water and sewer line improvements, and reclaimed water and drainage improvements. The District must adhere to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) requirements and address fire flow availability, operational deficiencies and aging infrastructure.

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